Mike is a voice artist, actor, and comedian. The characters he’s voiced include Ash’s travel companion, Clemont (Pokèmon: XYZ), Ilima, Ash’s Lycanroc (Pokemon: Sun and Moon), Magikarp, and many many more! He also voiced the protagonist, Yuya Sakaki, on Yu-Gi-Oh: Arc V, as well as all of his multidimensional counterparts: Yuto, Yugo, Yuri, and Zarc.

Mike is a voice artist, actor, and comedian. The characters he’s voiced include Ash’s travel companion, Clemont (Pokèmon: XYZ), Ilima, Ash’s Lycanroc (Pokemon: Sun and Moon), Magikarp, and many many more! He also voiced the protagonist, Yuya Sakaki, on Yu-Gi-Oh: Arc V, as well as all of his multidimensional counterparts: Yuto, Yugo, Yuri, and Zarc.
He also played the whimsical comic relief turned villain, AI in Yu-Gi-Oh: VRAINS. In addition to recording hundreds of episodes of animation. He’s also recorded a number of video games (Super Smash Bros: Ultimate, Contra: Rogue Corps, Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links, Cross Duels, Lego Legacy, and more!) Mike has also recorded Podcasts (Murder in HR) commercials, apps, and more!
In addition to voice acting, Mike has accrued a following on social media for his sketch comedy and viral videos like the “Australian Accent” series.
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